• 600 North Street, Baton Rouge, 70802
  • (225) 765-2301
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Exams Approval


Please review these FAQs before you arrive at the testing center.


How do I schedule/take an approved exam?

Once logged in to the portal, click ‘View’ for the appropriate credential and then select an action under the exams section near the bottom of the page.

What do I need to bring to the Testing Center?

You must bring the following required information to the Testing Center:

  1. Proper identification: government-issued ID with a photograph clearly identifying the individual.
  2. You will be required to enter your social security number in order to log in for testing.


In order to take the examination, your first and last name must match what we have in our records, which is shown at the top of this notice. If the name on your identification does not reflect what is on the notice, contact us to update your profile as soon as possible. Other contact information, such as mailing address and phone number, can be verified and changed by logging onto the web portal.

How do I securing my personal belongings?

A locker or other pre-approved means of storing each candidate’s personal items will be available during the testing period; however, we highly recommend that you do not bring any of these items to the Testing Centers. Anyone found using unauthorized items (items that were not provided by the Testing Center) will have his/her examination session ended and the exam results will be invalidated.

The following items must be removed during the check-in process:

Cell phones Cameras
Calculators Reference materials
Books Notes or paper of any kind
Scanning devices Sunglasses or eyeglass cases
Watches or large pieces of jewelry Pens, pencils, markers, highlighters
Hats and coats    

*Any other aid or electronic device without prior approval (except medically necessary devices)

What about calculators, scratch paper, codes books, etc.?

Calculators, pencils, and scratch paper will be provided at the Testing Center. If you are taking an open book exam, the books that you will need to use are provided at the Testing Center. These are the only books that you will be allowed to use.


Where can I find study material for the exams?

Study reference lists are located in the Candidate Information Bulletin available on our website at www.lslbc.louisiana.gov/examsclassifications.

Please note that LSLBC does not sanction the effectiveness nor does the agency have any affiliation with any preparation courses that are being offered by outside sources for our exams. All reference materials suggested for study and review by the agency are listed on the Candidate Information Bulletin for each exam.

When will my license or additional classifications be issued?

After taking the exams, you will need to direct all questions about issuance of the license or additional classifications to the APPLICATIONS DEPT by emailing [email protected]

Where do I park?

At the Baton Rouge location, additional parking is available in the lot directly south of the LSLBC parking lot and requires cash or the “CallToPark” app.  Metered street parking is available on surrounding streets, and the Galvez Parking Garage offers parking Monday – Friday from 5AM to 9PM (cash only).  The rates changes regularly in downtown Baton Rouge, so please bring sufficient cash.  Please note that LSLBC is unable to validate parking. You will not be allowed to leave during an exam to “feed” meters.

How do I contact the Examinations Department?
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