Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors
Diagnostic Exam for Heavy Construction
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1. In general, if a permanent oil tank is located within 1,000 feet of a school and within the city limits of a town, the tank must be:
Louisiana Administrative Code Title 43, Part XIX, Subpart 1. Chapters 1-5; Statewide Order No. 29-B; Louisiana Office of the State Register; Baton Rouge, LA; 2010. url: http://www.dnr.louisiana.gov/assets/OC/43XIX_June2010.pdf
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2. A timber railroad tie is normally:
Army TM 5-627, Navy MO-103, Air Force AFM 91-33; p. 3-13; Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force; Washington, DC; 1980. url: https://www.wbdg.org/ffc/army-coe/technical-manuals-tm/tm-5-627
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The trench shown measures an average of 4 feet wide by 6 feet high. Assuming no shrinkage or swelling, how many cubic yards will be removed from the ground to create this trench?
Pipe & Excavation Contracting Revised;Roberts, Dave, revised by Atcheson, Dan; Craftsman Book Company, Inc.; Carlsbad, CA; 2011.
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4. In the illustration shown, what is the elevation at D?
Study References:
Pipe & Excavation Contracting Revised; Roberts, Dave, revised by Atcheson, Dan; Craftsman Book Company, Inc.; Carlsbad, CA; 2011.
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5. A pipe will be laid at the bottom of a trench in unstable soil, and a trench box will be used to shore the sides while working inside the trench. The bottom of the trench box would best be placed at a level that will be:
Pipe & Excavation Contracting Revised; Roberts, Dave, revised by Atcheson, Dan; Craftsman Book Company, Inc.; Carlsbad, CA; 2011
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6. In controlling groundwater for an excavation that will be 10 feet deep, which method below would best be justified for a soil that is mostly silt?
Dewatering and Groundwater Control, Army TM 5-818-5, Navy NAVFAC P-418, Air Force AFM 88-5, Chap. 6; Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force; Washington, DC; 1985. url: https://www.wbdg.org/ffc/army-coe/technical-manuals-tm/tm-5-818-5
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7. Which type of hammer used for pile driving cannot be operated underwater?
Pile Construction, FM 5-134; Headquarters, Department of the Army; U.S. Government Printing Office; Washington, DC; 1991. url: ftp://ftp.odot.state.or.us/techserv/geo-environmental/Biology/Hydroacoustic/References/Literature%20references/USACE%20Field%20Manual%20for%20Pile%20Construction.pdf
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8. In the drawing shown are the bottom views of four piles set up for jetting. The best setup is shown at:
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9. A silt fence should be erected so that the bottom of the fence is:
Handbook of Geosynthetics; Geosynthetic Materials Association; Roseville, MN; 2002. url: http://carthagemills.com/pdf/handbook_of_geosynthetics.pdf
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10. A 16 foot beam is specified as follows: W 14 x 109. The beam will weigh:
Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, Eighth Edition; Chapter 10; Andres, Cameron K. and Smith, Ronald C.; Pearson Prentice Hall; Upper Saddle River, NJ; 2009.
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11. Pipe flanges are normally secured using:
The Piping Guide for the Design and Drafting of Industrial Piping Systems; Whistance, Dennis J. and Sherwood, David Rl; Construction Trades Press; Clinton, NC; 2008. url: https://archive.org/stream/ThePipingGuide#page/n259/mode/2up url: https://www.pipingonline.com/pipes/oil_gas_pipe_types-seamless_welded_pipes-erw_pipe-lsaw_pipe-hsaw_pipe
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12. The welding symbol below means:
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13. The type of valve shown at A is a:
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14. A piece of equipment will be lifted with a crane using eyebolts. Of the setups shown, which is the best way to rig this equipment?
DOE Standard Hoisting and Rigging, DOE-STD-1090-2004; Chapters 9, 11-13; Department of Energy; Washington, DC; 2004. url: https://www.standards.doe.gov/standards-documents/1000/1090-astd-2004/@@images/file
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15. An upper deck being constructed has a hole around a ladderway, which is protected by a guardrail. Unless this hole is offset so that no-one can walk into it, there must be a:
Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction; Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Publishing Office; Washington, DC; 2013. url: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2013-title29-vol8/pdf/CFR-2013-title29-vol8-part1926.pdf
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16. A form for a concrete beam would best be removed:
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures; Portland Cement Association; Skokie, Il.
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17. Concrete is being delivered to a job with a truck mixer. From the time that the concrete was batched, all of the concrete should be poured within:
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18. In general, on level ground, if a gravel subbase will be used for a concrete slab, the subbase should be placed and compacted so that it is then AT LEAST:
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19. If a barge is moored at an angle to the bank at night time, it must have two round white lights that can be seen from at least how far away?
Navigation Rules, International-Inland; Annex IV; U. S. Department of Homeland Security and U. S. Coast Guard; Washington, DC; 2004. url: https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/navrules/navrules.pdf
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20. A boat dock will be built on a navigable river in Louisiana. To work on this project, a permit may be needed from the:
Local Coastal Programs Handbook; Louisiana Department of Natural Resources; Baton Rouge, LA; 2015. url: http://data.dnr.la.gov/lcp/lcphandbook/lcphandbook.pdf
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